Telehealth Certification Institute

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Ratings, Reviews, and User Testimonials of Our CE Courses

This course features an extremely engaging presenter with passion for his subject. It offers tools that I plan to integrate into my work with clients and my own life immediately.
Rev Christie Bates
This was such a powerful and informative Webinar on Fostering Counselor Development. Not just for supervision but how it was beautifully articulated and crafted to implement it into self as well with our clients. Thank you so much, Dr. Crawford!
Jason Weed
The information was informative, but in some areas, it was repetitive.
LaKeisha Burroughs
As a NYS LCAT, great intro to using the art in complementary work w supervisies.
Joan Alpers
This course was informative and creative, and I loved the content!
Andee Loren Haines
It was overall a good training and re-affirmed what I do in my sessions. It was good to have additional information to use.
Laurie Reinsch
Telehealth is an incredibly convenient way to receive medical care. I recently used telehealth to consult with my doctor about a minor health concern and it was such a great experience. I didn't have to leave my house or take time off work to go to the doctor's office. Instead, I was able to have a video call with my doctor from the comfort of my own home. It was so easy to use and saved me a lot of time and hassle. I was able to get the care I needed without any inconvenience. I highly recommend telehealth to anyone who wants a more convenient way to receive medical care.
Charmaine Nacole Freeman
As a counselor and veteran, I found this course to be informative and insightful. Excellent job. Thank you.
Tracy Threatt
Very interesting, informative and clinically orineted course.
Nia Sotirova
Very informative training
Jessica Hunt
Great information! A good referesher on best practices for telehealth sessions.
Amelia Lapeyrouse
Fantastic program. Thank you.
Nia Sotirova